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there is no one coming there is no one out there there is no one coming here is no one out there there is no one coming there is no one out there there is no one coming there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no our out there there’s about one o it there there is JP one out there there’s is no one out be there there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no one out. There there is no one out there there is now one out err there’s lien no one out there there is now line out. There there is no one out there there is no one out there there is now on e out there there is no one ou b I here there is no one out there there here there is no one out there there is no one out there there is no one out t here the eye there there there there bonbon none one Bonnie none none none none none NOMO coming e Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie none none there is now one out theire there is no one out there there is joe one coming for you there is no help on the deck at there is no rhyme to the reason there is no beat to the rhythm there is no point there is no lesson there is no moral there is no excuse there is no reason why there is no reply there is no one on the way there is no one coming
How are you? How are you realLy? PLease PLeAsE plEase I would love to help.
No I’m goOd how are yoU?
You’re so sweEt. You’re such a goOd listener. You’re so perCeptivE.
Thank you I’m dying inside.
I aM acTuALLy so passiOnate about vulnerabilitY and tHerapy and soCial justice aNd sElf improVement anD liMinal spaCes anD AStRoloGY and tHe ENneaGRAM. And yoga!
I hEaR wHaT yOU’Re SAYinG aNd hoW ABouT instEAd of KISSiNg yOU I aSK ABouT yoUr dEEPeST tRauMa. I fINd emOTIOnaL sEx mORE pALatAblE.
The most accessible form of evil, for me at least, is telling the truth. Here’s a softball—dating apps provide more opportunities for connection while simultaneously making us more closed off to it. How was that? Feel good?
Okay try this one: your relationship with every single person in your life will end in one of three ways. (1) You attend their funeral. (2) They attend your funeral. (3) You aren’t close enough to even attend. Gag on that little slice of reality. Or don’t! Distract yourself with another post or improve yourself with another rep or castigate yourself with another reprimand. Let’s move on.
You should’ve taken care of me, father. Now I desert you in your hour of need. I can’t hear you crying. I can’t hear your pain. I can’t feel your sadness. I could go insane. Soundless screams, so tacky. Un-subtle. Un-tactful. Un-effortless. Un-thoughtless. Un-suave. All that screaming.
Some fatherly advice: guard your heart; water your ideals. They’re fragile, breakable, meant to be sheltered, loved, treated with care. They wilt under harsh light; thrive in darkness. Treat them with kindness. They’re treasured companions. It’s because they’re so vulnerable to destruction that they’re lovely, right?
Do you like my new post? Do you like it? Do you like it do you like it do you like it? Please I really hope you like it. Dear God I hope you like it. Dear God please make them like it. Oh God to know how to like it. If only she liked it. Will you please like it?
If this feels antagonistic you feel correctly you piece of shit. Fuck you for reading this and fuck you for going this far you sadistic nothing. What have you ever made besides an overwrought caption on your annual birthday post? This was meant to be subtle and restrained and now you’ve stuck around so long that it’s excessive and grotesque and self-indulgent because you won’t GET OUT OF MY ROOM! Get out!!! Get OUT!!
Another round of porn, bartender.